Tox & D-Tox Medical Aesthetics Boson, MA
Injectable Treatments

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) Facial Rejuvenation

PRF utilizes your blood's natural fibrin and growth factors to stimulate collagen production.

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What Is It?

PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) facial rejuvenation is an advanced version of PRP used in the vampire facial, utilizing the patient's own blood cells to enhance skin texture, boost hyaluronic acid, and stimulate collagen production. Rich in growth factors, platelets play a key role in the healing process and collagen production. PRF, separated using a centrifuge, outperforms PRP (platelet-rich plasma) by releasing growth factors over time, providing longer-lasting benefits when injected into the deeper skin layers for a natural, long-term solution. PRF extends beyond facial rejuvenation, offering applications in hair restoration and hair growth.



- Effectively addresses wrinkles and facial folds

- Provides an improved skin complexion with fewer fine lines

- Offers longer-lasting results compared to PRP

- Beneficial for under-eye loose skin and dark circles

- Personalized treatment utilizing the body's growth factors for skin rejuvenation


How Is It Done?

During a personalized consultation, our experienced providers will assess your specific concerns and recommend the most suitable treatment plan for PRF facial rejuvenation. The procedure involves collecting a blood sample from the patient, similar to a standard blood draw. The blood is then processed using a specialized centrifuge to separate PRF from red blood cells. After centrifugation, PRF is drawn into a syringe and delicately injected into facial areas using fine needles. Topical numbing cream may be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure. PRF facial stimulates collagen production, improves skin texture, and enhances overall facial appearance. 


What To Expect With Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF):

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is derived from your own blood and is collected just before each treatment. The treatment area will be numbed with topical numbing cream to minimize pain and discomfort. The process of collecting blood is similar to a standard blood draw, involving a few tubes. After centrifugation, PRF is drawn into a syringe and delicately injected into facial areas using fine needles. Results are visible within 48 hours and can last up to a year.


Is It Safe?

The PRF procedure is considered safe with minimal risks of side effects, especially when performed by skilled professionals. Unlike synthetic fillers, PRF utilizes the patient's platelets and natural fibrin, reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions. Potential side effects are mild and include pain, swelling, soreness, and minor bruising, which are easily managed with topical anesthetic and ice. To ensure the best outcome, a thorough consultation at Tox & D-Tox Medical Aesthetics assesses medical history and goals, allowing professionals to recommend suitable treatments and expected results.


PRF vs PRP: 

PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) differs from PRP (platelet-rich plasma) in its preparation method and release of growth factors. While PRP is prepared by isolating platelets from plasma at a higher speed, PRF involves a slower centrifugation process that maintains a higher platelet concentration and the fibrin matrix without anticoagulants. This unique method allows for a gradual release of platelets over time, providing longer-lasting results compared to PRP.

Service Fees

3 Treatment Package: $1,650 per area (4 weeks apart)

Per Area: $600+

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Tox & D-Tox Medical Aesthetics Boson, MA


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